Investing in massage is an investment in your health.
Fusion Massage
The fusion massage is our signature massage. This massage blends the best of Swedish, Trigger Point, Lomi Lomi. Myofascial Stretching & Aromatherapy in every session. Our experienced therapist recognizes your body's needs and incorporates the necessary technique to give you full relaxation and rejuvenation.
65 min--$75
90 min--$100
Fusion Packages
4 - 1 hour sessions $284
7 - 1 hour sessions $476
10 - 1 hour sessions $650
T. L. C. Massage
Is all your tension in your back and neck? No time for the full body massage? T.L.C. (traps, lats, crown) is our 30minute massage, specifically for the back and neck. Several modalities are applied to the areas of greatest stress.
30 min--$45
Corporate Chair Massage
Seated massage applied to back, neck and arms while client is fully clothed. Corporate Chair Massage is available for events such as Nurses Week, Teacher Appreciation, or any event you want to more memorable. {not available for purchase online. Please call directly}
$100 an hour 3 hours or more
Massage Gift Certificates are always available and makes a body smile ;)
Specific Target Therapy
This massage is more focused on specific issues and any injury. The client is kept in the relaxed state while deeper work is applied. Therapy includes Myofascial Release, Trigger Point, Muscle Release Technique as well as deep compression. This combination allows the tissue to be softened and warmed properly as the restriction and pain in specific muscle groups are addressed. The length of each session varies from 60-75 minutes. The techniques used are adjusted to meet each individual need.
65 min -- $80
95 min -- $105
120 min-- available after initial 60 or 90 minute assessment
Specific Target Therapy Packages
4 - 1 hour sessions $304
7 - 1 hour sessions $511
10 - 1 hour sessions $750
Pre- and Post Natal Massage
Gentle massage focused on the mother-to-be as her body goes through the changes of pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy massage enhances the function of muscles and joints, improves circulation, and relieves mental and physical fatigue. Mommy rests on her side and her body is supported with pillows. The bodywork applied is calming, relaxing and helps soften and stretch the tension away.